My name is Sam Hughes

Work Experience

Education Experience

Junior Web Developer
Design Religion

Customer Service Advisor
Superbowl UK

Customer Service Advisor
Marks and Spencer

Software Engineer/Tester
Qcom Outsourcing

Cardiff Metropolitan university
Bsc (with Hons) in Computer Science
Grade: 1st

3aaa Apprenticeships
Level 3 Extended Diploma in software development
Grade: Distinction

HOW College Bromsgrove
Level 3 Extended diploma in IT
Grade: Distinction

My projects

**Not approved by paradox barbers - made for educational purposes only** A Local Droitwich Barbers, Wehre I reinvented their website to a more modern urban design

A full-Stack Bug issue/Tracker website made with PHP

Skill Check
A Dungeons and Dragons helper website with a Login system

Previous Portfolio
My previous portfolio made earlier this year, still proud of this and I can see how far I've come

Terminal Themed Website
A DOS Themed terminal website with commands and easter eggs

Lils Design
A Local artists Website I designed, selling crafts and art